
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Montrose and the Covenanters (1) -A Field of Battle 3 Project

I decided to redo my Covenanter and Montrose Royalist Armies.  This entails buying a few more figures but mainly I already have what I need.  The catalyst for this is the long - awaited release of Field of Battle 3.  It promises lots of fun to come and now includes this period.

This means again submitting myself to the tyranny of painting tartan.  Having just refurbished my Picts I’m not quite ready for that just yet.  

Instead I started with a pair of Covenanter regiments Balfour’s and Campbell of Lawer’s. Both were veteran regiments they appear below in that order. You can see them in line or with pikes advanced or withdrawn.

I’ve done Campbell’s in their Ulster issue red coats call it artistic license.

The stern Strathbogie Royalist regular regiment here. 

All of the excellent flags above are from that splendid and inspiring blog Project Auldearn here’s a link.

Next, I’ll do Minimore’s and Farquharson’s royalist regular regiments with their mix of Highland and lowland troops.  Then onto Seaforth’s and Argyle’s Highland regulars.

That means I’m having to convert some figures into regular Highlanders with pikes. 

Figures wearing hose are the key.  They can be painted as bare legs or as trews. These ones are coming along nicely.

Soon I’ll be ready to tackle MacColla’s Life Guards.  These will entail some minor conversion to get the look I want.  Likewise the Irish regulars will need some minor work before painting.

By then I should have my tartan painting hand in and work on the clans can begin.  The initial aim is 12 units a side.


  1. I pinched those flags from the Auldern blogspot too. They are rather nice.

  2. Lovely units! I think it's the tartan putting me off the Montrose army I have unpainted in a box!
    Best Iain

  3. Thanks Iain. Tartan is tricky enough and time consuming. A simple grid, highlight the intersections and then the centre of the base colour squares can work nicely.

  4. A trio of fine looking regiments. This should be a fine project!

  5. Thanks very much. It's coming together nicely so far.
