
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The French Army Assembles – League of Augsburg 15mm


The latest additions to my French League of Augsburg Army are here.  This time the figures a mixture of Essex and Irregular 15mm.  They fit together well enough to be on the same base.

The first Battalion of the Garde Suisse below.


Regiment Zurlauban first battalion. 

The two Zurlauban battalions fought with some distinction in Ireland. M. Zurlauban was Swiss his men were mainly Germans.

Regiments Famachon and Tournaiss in that order. Both Walloon formations I think. 

Together they were also part of the French Brigade sent to Ireland. I’ve decided to do the whole brigade and they will appear here in due course.

Here is Regiment Greder, the German one.  There was a Swiss one too. 


The next French cavalry regiment I’ll do will be the Colonel General’s as I'm rather taken with the uniform.

Taking the broader view I intend a series of posts on the Jacobite Armies and on the various contingents of the Grand Alliance.  I'll probably start with the Danes.

Will there be other non League of Augsburg stuff here in 2021.  Yes, loads of it.

More soon and wishing you all a belated Happy New Year.


  1. Very nice units, as are the ones inprevious posts. As I'm just getting into this period in 10mm, all really interesting for me:). Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Steve. French Dragoons next here and then some Danes.
