
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A French Revolutionary War Project in 15mm


Books are always the driver of my gaming projects.  In this case Neither Up Nor Down by Philip Ball.  It’s a good one although still too gentle on the Duke of York for my taste.  Add to that a recent book on the Vendee War and it is motivation enough.

Then there is the Lancashire Games Christmas Sale with a tasty discount.  So, we are off on a new project.  This one will run alongside Gonzalo for the next few months.  The aim is to have French, Coalition and Vendee forces.  In my dizzier moments I think Khurasan will finally release their ’98 Irish and I’ll do that too.

As ever with the toys there is the issue of size compatibility.  So far, I’m managing to combine Lancashire with Old Glory, Battle Honours and Blue Moon.  Minifigs and Chariot will also be deployed but as separate units.

Here are some Lancashire Austrians first. A unit of combined grenadiers have managed to secure a flag from some one.

I like them, should you like them too they are mostly in the Archive range.  I have one Austrian regiment done so far.  First battalion below, 16 figures in each battalion.  They carried two flags per battalion in this period.

The second battalion here.  I'm going for 4 Austrian regiments.

The Prussians to match the Grenadiers at the page head.  The very nice flags are from David at Not By Appointment blog.  Check the sidebar for the link.

Battle Honours Jagers.  I'm going to be using Battle Honours and Old Glory cavalry.

Old Glory Grenzers.   

They are from their 7YW range but, by French accounts, may do well enough for 1792-95ish.  If not they can rejoin their comrades and fight for Marie Therese.

So much to do on this one and a problem to be resolved.  What am I to use for the Dutch? 

Everything will be based to suit Field of Battle.  I also have some rules in development more about that later.  The short term aim is to have enough French and Austrians to try the rules (working title We Brought You Liberty) out.  Then on to the Vendee Forces.   I'm looking forward to it.



  1. Very nice units there! I have on order some Pendraken Napoleonics, with the aim to use them for the Vendee and possibly the Dutch campaign too. Plenty of other stuff in the queue though, but looking forward to receiving them.

    1. Great minds think alike Steve! Glad you like the troops so far. I think it's going to be an interesting period to game.

  2. Lancashire Games’ figures are excellent in many of the ranges and good value too. I have gobs of the 19th Century European wars range and love them. I use some the SYW figures too and the infantry look fine on the table with Old Glory, Blue Moon, Eureka, Battle Honors, etc.. For my FRW project, I use mostly AB but have units from many of these same manufacturers.

  3. Hi Jonathan, I quite agree. Your blog was of great assistance to me in assembling the orders for the figures on this one. I spent a happy hour or so working my way through the posts.
