
Friday, May 31, 2024

The Sikh Army in 15mm


Above, two units of armoured Gorchurra.  This is the Sikh nobility heavily invested in the continuance of the Sikh State. Equipment apart they fought in exactly the same fashion as the less wealthy Gorchurra.

We see them again with their less well armoured compatriots.   

My first brigade of Khalsa Regulars, four battalions in all. Depending on where and when Khalsa Regulars might be rated as Veteran, Drilled elite or Recruit Elite.  Exceptionally, like the Sikh Brigades at Mudki, Veteran Elite.

My second Khalsa brigade comprising of three battalions.

My third brigade of Khalsa Regulars.  Four battalions. 

I have nearly enough figures for another battalion. Well, maybe I will bring them up to strength later on.

I have three brigades of Sikh Regular Cavalry raised and trained on the French Model.

Sikh Regular Cuirassiers above.

Sikh Regular Lancers with supporting Horse Artillery.

Sikh Regular Dragoons.  I need to glue on a couple of flags detached during re-basing.

Something different here.  Akali or Nihangs religiously devoted warriors.  Three units.  The black and red bordered flag is historically attested.

The sort of force that might turn out to defend their locality.  Ordinary farmers who could shoot and handle a sword.  Note the guns.  The Punjab didn't lack for ordinance.

More Gorchurra.  Note the supporting Camel gunners. I'm rating them as ultra light guns.

Another assembly of Sikh Levies above.

A closer look at the unarmoured Gorchurra above and below.

Last, but certainly not least the Sikh Regular Artillery.

Two batteries, tubes cast in Lahore.  

The excellent Sikh gunners were in fact Moslems.  The Sikh State was multi confessional.

And, bar an elephant or three to pull the guns, that's it.  Oh, I have some bullock teams on order too. 

Now we need to try them out.


  1. A lovely looking Sikh army OB! I had a plan a decade or more ago to collect 'every" 19th century colonial war involving the British Army in 25/28mm - so Wellington in India, the Mutiny, the Sikh Wars, various invasions of Afghanistan, Opium Wars, Zulu Wars, Māori Wars and The Sudan - I have so far managed about 25% of these, and for the most part, only the British portion. Perhaps I should look at the Sikh Wars next?

    1. Why not indeed? I'm on a similar track Keith. I have Sudan, Opium Wars and Zulu War. Only the Opium Wars one is finished. You could have a look at 2 Sikh Wars Ready Made Armies from Irregular. Very good value and if you spend another £6.00 you qualify for a bigger discount!

      Glad you like the toys.

  2. With all of the vibrantly colored uniforms, this is stunning army. Well done!

  3. Enjoyed seeing your British army but I think the Sikh one is even better, such a mix of troops and so colourful, lovely stuff!

    1. Thanks Donnie, figures from QRF, Gladiator and Irregular.

  4. A very colourful looking army. Very well painted that man!

  5. Very, very colourful and wonderfully painted too:)!

    1. Thanks Steve, got to say my painting got better as I went on.
