
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Savage and Romantic War- A Wargamer’s Guide to the First Carlist War, Spain, 1833-1840-A Review


Conrad Cairns is well known to aficionados of gaming the First Carlist War.  His  previous book The First Carlist War 1833-1840: A Military History and Uniform Guide was very well received.  It has proved increasingly hard to find. For English speakers, alongside All Honour is Lost: Scenarios, Orders of Battle and Regulations for Wargames of the First Carlist War 1833-1840 by Nuno Pereira it constituted a unique resource.  This third book then, from Helion, is very much to be welcomed. 

It can be fairly said that just as Barry Hilton brought the League of Augsburg to the hobby Conrad Cairns has opened up the First Carlist War to us. I have illustrated this review with some of my Carlist War Collection. Big 15s from Capitan and QRF.

I had feared the current volume might be a re-branding or a re-hash of previous work.  Groundless as it turned out.  This is new stuff.  Excellent!  What do we get?

Chapters begin with an introduction on what sparked the author's interest. He went to San Sebastián. Donestia the locals call it. A lovely city on a bay and full of history. I have been there too.

The second part of the book sets out a history of events. This deals with the Carlist Army of the North, the Carlist Expeditions, The Carlist Army of the Centre and the War in Aragon, next comes the War in Catalonia and then The Reckoning. This is all well written and informative.

Then we get an in depth look at the the Government Forces and their Foreign Allies. This includes:

Line Infantry, Light Infantry, Provincial Regiments, Royal Guard Infantry, Marine Infantry, National Militia, Paramilitaries and Volunteers, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers and Sappers, The British, The French and The Portugese. 

Comprehensive indeed. As you might expect with uniform details galore.

The Carlist forces are next.  Respectively, the Army of The North, Infantry of the Army of The North, cavalry of the Army of The North, Artillery and Engineers of the Army of The North, the Army of The Centre and finally other Carlist forces. Again with uniform details.

Then comes a section on the material of war. This looks at weapons and equipment, Government flags and Carlist flags. Just what you need to know. David at Not By Appointment has a few suitable flags in his Spanish Collection.

Next comes Battles for Wargamers. An ominous 13 in all. Replete with maps, forces deployment, and a precis of the action. All very well done.

The final chapter is a mini campaign. This is done to the same high standard that characterises this book.

We finish with a Glossary and Notes and an appendices on tactics. There is an index. All in all 137 pages and copiously illustrated with photos of toys and artwork by Marco Capparoni.

If you want a new period to game in '25 this book delivers everything you need for an informed start to Carlist Wargaming. It is first rate in every respect. I should add the First Carlist War has much to commend it to gamers. Your games will not be short of drama and excitement.

For the established Carlist War gamer there is still much of interest here.

If you would like to see my Carlist war Collection click the tags below.


  1. Great review of a really essential book if you wargame the First Carlist War. I am nearly finished my Carlist part of my project and have made a start on the opposition, also added some more figures as a Christmas present to myself!

    1. Good to know someone else is doing this one too Donnie. I gave myself a Christmas present as well. A fine tradition.

  2. It does sound like the perfect book for a wargamer. In fact I'd never heard of the War before until I saw a scenario and game report in the Black Powder rulebook.

    1. It is all you could want Steve. That is a nice report in Black Powder.

  3. Like Steve, not a war I knew anything about until our mate Mark invested in a large collection of both sides a few years ago, using the always attractive Perry twin's figures - I got roped in to do a small number of the BAL!

    1. Mark's blog is excellent. Good for you on the BAL, I have about 3/4s of the BAL units.

  4. Super review. Nicely accompanied by your collection. Thank you.
