
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Crimean War Russian Artillery in 15mm


Russian armies liked lots of artillery.  Big guns and big batteries.  The Russian artillery had a good Crimean War.  Including, you may wish to know, sounding the death knell of wooden warships. 

My Russian batteries will have 3 cannon and most of them will be 12pdr's.   The gunners will be "Trained" and I'm flirting with the addition of the "Elite" suffix.  That won't make them better but will keep them firing.  That is important what with the Minié and all.

For Crimean War games I will be using Republic to Empire and Field of Battle and Battle Command. A battery in the last two comprises 2 guns. In Republic to Empire it is 3 for the Russians.  I'm showing both today.  They are, of course, the same guns.


Field of Battle/Battle Command above.  Below Republic to Empire.

Republic to Empire requires a larger deployment space for artillery and also that guns are withdrawn  to refit after a certain amount of firing.  That sort of granuality is what I want for Crimean War games. It may not suit all.

I intend achieving the demarcation by positioning the limbers to indicate the extent of the artillery position.

Of course this means buying limbers or cassions or what have you.  In short, more expense.  Once again it will not suit everyone.  I decided to do it, having reached the age of "if not now, when?  I may have to buy more limbers.  That said I'm limiting it to one per Battery. 

On the current count I have 3 batteries Republic to Empire style and two limbers.


Happily, I have a Minifigs Napoleonic Cassion somewhere that can be pressed into service.  All good, except I have enough guns for another Russian Battery.  It may have to do without for the time being. 


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers Ray. I must give my Crimean stuff a run out shortly.

  2. They look good, OB and your choice of rules sounds interesting. We have a gaming friend with the sane opinion re artillery ie they should occupy a decent area on the table, including limbers etc to their rear.
    He makes the point that when a cavalry unit attacks a "battery" represented by one or two gun models, the relative frontages aren't correct.....but I have to admit, I find guns etc a grudge buy, and even more so with limbers...particularly as 90% of my collection is 28mm and a single metal limber probably costs about the same as a pack of plastic infantry from which I can create 2 battalions, plus some spares! As a result, I have very few limbers or caissons etc in my inventory.

    1. Thanks Keith. About 10 tears ago I got into Piquet and its derivatives, never looked back. Likewise Barry Hilton's stuff.

      I'm sure modelling limbers is more realistic but it is only recently I have bothered to represent it. Baring an ebay bargain the cost of limbers and such soon mounts up even in 15mm. In 28mm it seems ruinous. The case for 10mm I suppose. Too late for me now everything is in 15mm.

  3. Lovely work OB, always nice to see plenty of artillery and good to see limbers as well. I like the look of 3 guns to a battery, it's the way I do them as well. the effect is far better than 1 or 2 gun batteries in my opinion.

    1. Thanks Donnie. Yes, 3 guns and limbers does look more the thing.

  4. Nice work and good to see some limbers too:).

    1. Thanks Steve. I find myself painting more and more of them.

  5. Very nice work OB. Looking forward to seeing the completed artillery park.

  6. Nice work- inspiring me to get back to my Crimean War collection
