
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Jacobite Cavalry and Dragoons 15mm - League of Augsburg


The Horse Grenadiers above who could equally turn up in a Williamite Army.

King James’s Life Guard.  These ones are from Stronghold Miniatures and I don’t think we will see many of that outfit's products again.  A pity, I really like them.  Stronghold also did a lovely General figure of which I have one.  Ah well, should have bought more.

A Squadron of Sarsfield’s Horse.

Tyrconnell’s Horse,
probably got first dabs on the red uniforms.  Tyrconnell was James's chief administrator.  Although he never became one of the darlings of the Irish Army, they thought him over cautious, his work kept the cause afloat. He had been a very active soldier in his younger days fighting in England, Ireland and Flanders.

Lord Galmoy’s two squadron's of Horse, you have seen them before.

Abercorne’s Horse also seen previously. 

All in all I have 7 squadron's of Jacobite Horse so far. Above Clare's Dragoons.

I'm currently working on the Dragoons.  O'Neill's and Clare's both two squadrons strong.  


I have them mounted and dismounted with separate horse holders.  I think I'll find this more satisfying on the table top.  Here is a squadron of O'Neill's dismounted.

I have more to horses and horse holders to do.  Two squadron's of O'Neill's dismounted. 

Next up the Scots Regulars or maybe Grand Alliance Cavalry.  The great League of Augsburg re-basing is nearly done.  Apart from the French that is.


  1. Looking mighty fine OB! Can't say I've heard of Stronghold before?

    1. Cheers Ray.

      A fair while ago they produced two very nice 15mm ranges Yxor for the LoA period and Pioneer for the Crimean War as well as good terrain pieces.

      The chap running the show became ill and that was that. I haven't heard anything since then.

  2. A nice mix of cavalry and for someone who hates painting horses and their tack, the units are nice and small for this period and ruleset. I think dismounted dragoons really do need horse holders, from a purely visual point of view. Keep up the good work:).

    1. Thanks Steve.

      Yes, I'm a convert to horse holders now. I looks so much better.

  3. You continue to make good progress on you LoA rebasing project. Only French left to do?

  4. Thanks Jonathan. Yes, pretty much. A few bits and pieces and then onto the French.

    I just realised I've also painted up an additional 100 or so figures so far to bring the standard battalion up to 18 soldiers.

    I'm pleased with how they're turning out.

  5. Excellent progress on your Jacobite cavalry

  6. Thanks Neil, I'm thinking of adding another Dragoon unit.
