
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Later Achaemenid Persian Cavalry

Here are my Late Achaemenid troops bought over the years from various outfits. My latest from Xyston above, I must get another 4 to complete the unit.

 Old Glory Persian cavalry above and both next below.

Not bad figures.

  Some Essex next.  I used to paint the eyes.

These ones came from Bill Lamming’s shop closing down sale.  If I recall right I also got some Battle Honours French Revolution figures.  That certainly dates things.  Another Essex unit.

I have some Scythians too from Old Glory, currently AWOL.   Once located they can join Darius.

The Cappodocian contingent from Old Glory.  I intend to add some Forged in Battle
Cappodocian light cavalry to this bunch. They will then do nicely as Pontic cavalry of Mithridates.

I have far too may armoured units but I shall have to live with it.  Amongst the unpainted there are probably enough for another two units of ordinary troopers.  Between them and the missing Scythians that should do the trick.



  1. You used to paint the eyes on 15mm figures? Mine would end up like a unit of Marty Feldman's!
    Grest looking troops though.

  2. Some of them did Ray! I couldn't do it now. I think this army is finally come together.

  3. Love those cavalry OB! A great mix of colours too which would make them pop nicely when on the table.

  4. Thanks Steve. They are a colourful bunch.

  5. Great cavalry. I never paint eyes, regardless of the scale... who sees them standing over a table anyway.

  6. Thanks Richard, that's a fair point.
