
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Continentals and Militia- The Revolutionary War


When I bought the unit above 15mm figures still came in packs of ten. They are veterans then regardless of their game rating.  These days they are available from QRF. I’m not sure which regiment they represent but the uniform is attested.  To play it safe I gave them a generic revolutionary flag rather than a State one.


Next we have figures from Essex.  This unit is firmly identifiable. It represents a New Hampshire regiment.  Again the uniform is a real one, as is the flag. Fifer and standard bearer QRF.

Essex have some very nice Rifles and Militia figures. The regulars are pretty good too.  I’d exempt their British Grenadiers from that. I find them a bit disappointing.

To Maryland for the next regiment. I intend to do two Maryland regiments. This one is a generic rendition. Save for the QRF Fifer all the figures are from Essex. As you can see both manufacturers offerings are highly compatible.

I have enough figures for at least another two Continental units. To these I will add some regular Light Infantry.

I have some Minifigs rifles.  Nice figures but single pose strikes again. The Command pack offers some variety.  I have some by Essex too. We will see them both in part 2 of the Revolutionaries.

My first two Militia units.  The Tree of Liberty flag prominent. The figures are a mix of QRF, Essex, Minifig and Polly Oliver.  I think they work nicely together.

I have another Militia unit to do.  David at Not by Appointment has supplied me with another Militia flag.  Happy days, it means each Militia unit will have a different Liberty Tree flag. No table top mix ups.

Next we will see Part 1 of the British.  I have been busy and much progress has been made.


  1. Super work, all the unit look great and the different figures mix in really well, if I wasn't so far down the road in 28mm I would certainly go the 15mm route.

    1. Thanks Donnie, increasingly I like to mix different manufacturers.

  2. Agree with Donnie, lively work on these units OB. I still prefer the look of 28mm but the smaller scale figures have obvious benefits and attractions!

    1. That I understand Keith. You can get much more detail on the big lads. I5mm enables me to get more units on the table top.

  3. Thanks Steve. I think I have my AWI hand in.

  4. Nice seeing these coming together. My 15mm AWI is made up of similar makes (Essex, Freikorps, Polly Oliver, Minifigs). I've not used mine in a while. Originally used British Grenadier rules but found them too slow. Last game used Black Powder. Good quick game but maybe lacking in flavour. Look forward to seeing some AARs.

    1. Thank you Andy. Everyone talks about British Grenadier. I have only read of it. I do have a copy of Black Powder. I can see it works and that it is "tinker" able. All the same it seems a one size fits all. I'm currently drawn to period specific rules. Hopefully, there will be a Land of the Free AAR here soon.

  5. Super paint work. Such a lovely looking period.

    1. Thanks Richard. It is a nice looking period and you don't need hordes of troops to play it.
