
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Revolutionary War British - Part 2

 Let us start with the Guards. These ones are from Peter Pig. I nearly painted this unit in full fig. It is a striking uniform and I was strongly tempted. Instead, I followed the historical record.  The Guards were ordered to remove the lace from their uniforms and were issued with brown trousers.  Brown covers a multitude of sins so I opted for a light shade.  

Turning aside from an insistent Clio I decided that they would carry their colours. Wrong, I know, but it looks nice. As they say, even Homer nodded.  David at Not By Appointment kindly provided the flags.  I have a second Guards unit to do.  The Guards were used as attack troops throughout the war.

All in I have 3 units of elite attack troops, 4 once the second Guards unit is done. I had thought this perhaps too many.  Seemingly not my reading indicates.  The nature of campaigning meant that the line regiments often arrived worn out on the battle field.  Much depended on the elite units.

Tarleton's British Legion next.  These are from Polly Oliver. Ray at Don't Throw a 1 tells me a lad he knows has bought the range.  When it becomes available I will add another 2 bases to this unit.  I mentioned Indian allies of the British last time.

Above and below these Indians are from QRF with 2 Essex figures in the mix. I have had them since Pontius was a Pilot.  Or so it seems. It is good to see them ready for use at last.  Note they are small units.

HM 4th Regiment. Mostly, and appropriately, from Essex. I chose this one because David (Not by Appointment) has a nice pair of flags for the 4th. You see them here.

HM 5th Regiment and the Royal Highland Emigrants are to do next. A tartan challenge for sure.  A battery of guns is needed too.

That should have been it.  However, an ebay bargain intervened and I have enough Peter Pig for 2 more battalions.  Ever the way it seems.  Happily so.


  1. Lovely work again, a fine body of men! Good to hear that Polly Oliver will be back soon, they are great figures.

    1. Thanks Donnie. Yeah, great news about Polly Oliver.

  2. Nice work! I have several packs of 15mm Minifig natives that have been in my Lead Pile since Pontius was a Pilot too! I really ought to bring mine to the paint table and be done with them.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Do it you will feel better. I did.

  3. Nice work there OB and I too would have flags with my Guards units as they do look the better for it IMHO.

    1. Thanks Steve. I was hoping people would take that view.

  4. They all look great OB and agree re the flags for the 💂‍♂️ !!

    1. Thanks Keith. We are moving to a consensus on the flags.

  5. Great looking figures OB. I asked about the Polly Oliver figures. But the range were sold to Magister Militum. Not sure what's going to happen to them now? Give them a call?

    1. Thanks Ray. I will give them a bell and see what's up.
