
Friday, August 9, 2024

More Revolutionaries - AWI/Revolutionary War


Above, the General.  I need to add three Brigadiers or thereabouts.  The Revolution was not really a cavalry war but they had their moments.  These are my American Dragoons so far.

Above and below Dragoons from QRF and Minifigs.  

Sometimes the American cavalry outnumbered the British ones.  I might have to get some more.

A mainly Minifigs Rifle unit here. 

Below, my second Rifle unit. Very handy fellows, although you need to keep them out of trouble.  

They needed to keep their distance.

The serious fellows here.  My second Baltimore unit above.  All Minifigs with a Polly Oliver standard bearer. Generic Continentals below mostly from Essex.

More Militia.  "One volley boys, give me one volley."  I cannot recall which American General said it. Indeed, on reflection, he may have asked for two volleys. That's one of David from Not by Appointment's flags below.

The British could nearly always break the Militia. It tended not to matter.  The Militia would, terrain permitting, regroup and return to the fight. I was interested to read a British Officer's opinion that the Militia fought better than they had against the French.

While we are considering the Revolutionaries one of Washington's missives on deserters is of interest.  Like most of us I tend to paint the Revolutionaries with a lot of Homespun clothes.  Washington's 3 deserters wore respectively, a red overcoat, a green overcoat and a blue coat.  A bit brighter coloured than I had thought.

Poking through the lead pile I find that the rifles and militia are done.  Another 2 or three battalions of uniformed troops look possible. Added to that I have 3 units of Light Infantry nearly done.

I was interested to read Washington's opinions on his Army.  The men he thought would do well enough.  The officers were a cause of serious concern to him. The whole thing deserves a post.  Should time provide we will have one. For the sake of brevity and verity it could encompass the splendid squabbles of the British Command.


  1. New additions to your project continues to muster out from the painting desk at a steady rate. I didn’t know David produced AWI flags. I need to give his blog another look.

    1. Three Militia Flags I think. Maybe 4. HM 4th Foot and 2 sets for the Guards. There may be more. He is a prolific sort of chap.

  2. Nathaniel Greene? "Give me two rounds"?

  3. Great additions to your forces, they look great and no matter how little cavalry was used it would be rude not to have them!

  4. Excellent mix of troops there OB and great flags too:)!

  5. Great stuff as always OB! My own AWI is sadly deficient in cavalry - one unit of British light dragoons - that's it! At some point, I may add Tarleton's British legion and a couple of Continental units, although, as you note, they were rarely involved in the set piece battles, so you could get away with not having any probably!

  6. Thanks Keith. Your own AWI Collection is growing by leaps and bounds. Yeah, I'd say cavalry are not essential. Nice to have a few though.
