
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Russian Napoleonic Jaegers 15mm

These are all Old Glory 15mm with the exception the command figures from Capitan leading the formed battalions.  As you can see I've gone for the winter uniform to partially enable ease of table top visual recognition.  The green is Vallejo Russian Green should that be of interest.  Here we see the elite companies detached to skirmish in a 'double chain' with formed support.  

Some Russian commanders favoured a single chain.  It's hard to be prescriptive about what Russian commanders did, there seems to have been a fair bit of latitude.  Whole regiments could be put to skirmish with no supporting reserve and sometimes jaegers were even used as shock troops-straight in with the bayonet.  I'm advised that a Russian Division should have 4 units of Jaegers and the same of Musketeers with two of Grenadiers.  Effectively that's what I've done in collecting this army.

The elites were straight forward to paint, not so the line jaegers.  For the look I wanted I had to take some care.   

I think they look better in the all green winter uniform.   

I think painting attention needs to be given to the detail of these figures.  There’s lots of it, key areas are collars, cuffs and kivers closely followed by buttons and muskets.

Historically these boys need to be backed up by two attack columns of Musketeers or Grenadiers and that's how I'll use them.

Next up the Grenadiers and Musketeers.


  1. Thanks Ray. OG sometimes gets stick online but they have some very nice stuff imo.
