
Monday, September 9, 2019

First Carlist War Additions

The lads above are Carlist Lancers from Capitan painted as Merino's Lancers a fierce unit.

One of the frustrating things about doing the Carlist War in 15mm is that manufacturers (Capitan, QRF and Totentaz) are slow in completing ranges.  On the upside these three makers of Carlist War lead produce more or less compatible figures (which are all about 18mm).  I’ve managed some solid if erratic progress since I began this project five or so years ago. 

The latest Carlist War offerings from QRF were too good to miss so here are Isabelino Royal Guard Grenadiers.  I have a second battalion of them to paint. 

 Followed by the Reina Gobenadora Light Infantry Regiment in skirmish order Baker rifles and all. 

I like these figures and I’ve got some of QRF's new French Foreign Legion too. A couple of battalions.   A battalion's worth deserted to the Carlists so that's a nice option.

Another version of the BAL these ones from ERM and made as British Marines.

From QRF again here is a battalion of the Ovierdo Regiment.

Here are Capitan/Stonewall Isabelino Line Cavalry, they are fine, horse and otherwise, but they don’t offer the full range of units or have all the command.   

What I want next is one of the Carlist Guide units and the Princesa Hussars and then I think I’ll have cracked it as far as buying Carlist War figures goes.


  1. Some great additions to your collection OB.

  2. Thanks Ray, it's coming on. I have three ready for basing. Another 5 units and I'm finished.
