
Monday, October 11, 2021

The Great Italian Wars- A 15mm Project


I had one of those flashes of inspiration, sadly infrequent, and suddenly realised I could write a set of rules for the Great Italian Wars . 


It arose from reading volume 2 of Massimo Predonzani and Vincenzo Alberici’s “The Italian Wars”.  
The ideas pretty much all arrived at once and I had to quickly take notes. Now, draft 1 is done.  There will need to be test games and much painting.  I’ll report back here as I progress.

Anyhow, I thought I’d better start to assemble the troops.  I have an A4 box file full of unpainted Venexia 15mm from Lancashire Games.  Also, I had managed to paint a couple of units a few years ago so I was off to a good start.

Pleasingly, I discovered that Alternative Armies, Museum, Blue Moon, Venexia and Legio Heroica figures all work nicely together.  I have some Khurasan on order too and hope they fit with the mix.

Here is the front half of a French pike block. A mix of Alternative Armies, Museum and QRF miniatures.

The face of the future- a Spanish Colunella all from Venexia, save the Museum drummer.

As for the rules they will be card activated with a card for each unit, mostly.  I've gone for casualty removal and units of variable size.  I'll cover the whole thing in a series of themed posts starting with the light cavalry.  My aim is to have French, Spanish and Italian armies. More on this project soon.


  1. Excellent news! You already seem to have lots of usable troops,will the rules work for 28mm figures?
    Best Iain

  2. Thanks Iain. Yes they will and with any basing system.

  3. The best rule sets always start with all the ideas coming at once.

  4. That's heartening Trebian and from one who knows.

    1. That doesn't mean any of them will work, it just means that you have a model to start with, rather than just random bits and pieces. Unless you are really lucky, like I was with the original "Spartans and Successors" rules, which I dreamt.

  5. Yes there is a long way to go. I think the concept is fine but I won't really know until I'm a few games in.

    I love the idea of an inspiring dream.

    1. That was probably due to thinking about the concept a lot, at the back of my mind, then the subconscious kicked in when I was asleep and put the bits together. It isn't a method you can rely upon.

  6. Interesting all the same and you got a result.

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