
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Spanish Civil War Civil Guard 15mm

The Civil Guards-not my last unit, there's still a few more to come, and certainly not the least.  By Spanish Civil War standards  the Civil Guards were well trained and motivated combat troops.  Rural based, most of them seem to have opted for Franco.

I don't have a lot of them.  You can see them all below.  Combined with my Falangist Militia they will make an interesting Nationalist force for small games. Click for a bigger pic'.

Once again the figures are from Peter Pig. They seem to be the only 15mm manufacturer who does the period.  Just as well they produced a good and comprehensive range.  The officer figure below has a bullhorn in case you were wondering.

Next time for the Republic we will see a female battalion and the dynamite throwing Asturian volunteers.  Also, I need to buy a couple of cars for this project.

I'm closing in on the sort of rules I fancy for the Spanish Civil War.  My current thinking is around a card deck to activate units and an event card for flavour.  It seems to work well for others.

I've now made both so that is the motor done. You shuffle the cards and place them face down. Turn a card and if it's one of your units you can do stuff with it. If not the other side does stuff, although you might get to shoot.  The event card triggers a roll against an event table.  It's simple stuff, you only have the initiative when one of your cards is up.

The detail is coming from Iron Ivan's Spanish Civil War booklets.  The whole thing is two thirds written up. I intend it to work for solo games as well as ones with multiple players.  I'll do an AAR of the test game and post it here and we will see how I get on.


  1. Like I said on the Lead Adventure Forum, nice work. I like the idea of the rules you are utilising. Please keep updating when convenient.


  2. Thanks Helen I will do that. I'm hoping to have the first draft of the rules done this weekend.

  3. That's great news. Look forward to seeing what your thoughts are.


  4. Thanks Helen. Only the Armour section left to do now. Nearly there. It's looking fine so far.
