Here we have my second brigade of Prussian infantry. One battalion of fusiliers and two of musketeers. The figures are mainly Blue Moon and all battalions benefit from Not by Appointment flags. The musketeer battalions both have Eureka mounted officers. This in turn has has released 4 figures that have tipped the balance of surplus figures to enable another battalion. I wonder which one I'll choose.
I got a unit of Prussian light troops done. These are Le noble Jager from Lancashire Games. I'll do a second jager unit too. Not sure which one yet.
Now for the fellows who really counted, IR5 von Braunschweig first.
IR33 De La Motte-Fouqé fusiliers below.
Last, but not least, as they are at the top of the page too-IR7 Braunschweig-Bevern.

With that the second milestone has been reached. The Austrians now demand attention. Much has already been done. The artillery and light infantry are all done. The hussars are complete as are, if you count Grenzers, four infantry battalions.
You may wonder, have I no Prussian Grenadiers? I do, they were painted in the earlier abortive stage of this project. I need to give them a close look to see if they still pass muster. If so, we will see them with the Prussian Generals and Brigadiers. With 6 new figures from Eureka I should manage 2 grenadier battalions.
It happens that I have 50 Old Glory French SYW infantry-no turnbacks. Mute as they are they nag at me. I'm severely tempted to heed them and do a SYW French Army. As a compromise (with myself) I'm determined to finish the Austrians and Prussians first.
Of course if I bought all the French figures now I'd save some money-obviously. It needn't be a full Army either, need it? Then of course I would need their opponents. I have 50 Hanoverians already.