
Friday, March 19, 2021

Lord Abercorn’s Horse and Lord Clare’s Dragoons


I thought I’d better crack on with my Jacobite Horse while the going was good.  Here is Lord Abercorn’s cavalry regiment of two squadrons.  You’ll note the blue-grey coats and wonder?  Unattested but very possible is my view, it depends on how you take your French grey coats. Such coats were made by diverse producers and, apparently, had a blue tint at least sometimes.


One squadron from Essex, above, and below one from Irregular.


The regiment here with both squadrons. Drilled, Blade Horse not to be taken lightly on the battle field.


Now, the “Yellow Boys” Lord Clare’s Dragoons mounted and a’ foot.  Some say they wore yellow coats others maintain yellow facings. 


The nickname is secure, the reason for it not so.  They enjoyed a formidable fighting reputation.  


I may even make them veteran, a category I use very sparingly, flintlock musket of course.


  1. Very nice and good to know you've nearly finished this project, plus with luck I hope you are able to put some games on with them and share with the rest of us:)

  2. Thanks Steve. I have an ahistorical game in mind to start off with, Second Newburn.

  3. Nice work,for some reason I can't see the first pic?

  4. Thanks Ray. It's showing up for me. I'll have a shufti at the draft.

    1. Just checked and I can still see the first pic.
