
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Grand Alliance-Nearly There

I’ve reached that happy stage in the life of a project when the bulk of the work is done.  Now, I can think of adding the odd additional unit that takes my fancy and about some initial games. 

Currently I’m pondering what would have happened if Dundee (the man) had not fallen and King James had sent proper reinforcements.  That triggered a whole range of potential scenarios.  Counterfactual history would be far too grand a term. Fun might be a more apposite word. In that spirit I hope to bring you the Second Battle of Newburn.

Anyhow, here are the latest four Grand Alliance regiments.  First up two Huguenot formations.  Detail is problematic with these lads.  They were French troops and so should have had pikes. Yet, seemingly they had none at the Boyne.  I've decided on one with for the moment.  Flags and uniform colours are unproven but not ill informed.  Here they are Cambon and De la Meloniére in that order and Drilled and matchlock armed.



Next the Danish mercenaries-subsidy troops in polite company.  Professional and capable the Danes were always worth their hiring price.  These two battalions are from the Jutland and Zealand regiments of the Danish Army.   


Drilled and flintlock armed to a man.


 Finally, for this post we have a squadron of English Horse Grenadiers.

Now, let me crave your indulgence.  Should you wish to see larger images of the foregoing right click on your mouse and select view. 

Please also note, I’ve added a follow by email gadget to work around the recent failure of the follower gadget on this blog.  It seems not to work either, but maybe it will in time.


  1. Thanks Ray. I cunningly built up irregular's toy drum with green stuff into a man sized one.

  2. Missed this due to Blogger issues, but more lovely work once agin:)

  3. I like your project and pictures, stimulating. Painted nicely. I'm too busy finishing an Irregular LoA.

  4. Thanks. I enjoyed reading your blog too.
