
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Irish Foot- League of Augsburg

It's the Irish today.  The Lord Grand Prior’s regiment above with their burning town "fruits of rebellion" standard and motto.  The JR and crown flag is from David at Not By Appointment.  It is an incredibly useful flag for Jacobite armies.


The first battalion of Foot Guards.  The second battalion below.

The Earl of Antrim’s Regiment was raised early and fought often.  

The Earl was the leading McDonnell/McDonald of his day with many of his clansmen in the regimental ranks.

One of the O’Neill regiments, Cormac’s in this case.  I will be fielding two, maybe three of these.  


This one is pretty much pike and shot as you can see.  Rather old fashioned but handy enough in melee.  The next one will be more up to date-"Regulation" under BLB.  The final one, if I get that far, may be quite poorly armed.

Irish uniform infantry coat colours were either French supplied white or red.  The older the formation the more likely they were to have a red coat.  I mused on having more figures in civilian coats, that would be accurate.  Then again, if we really wanted accuracy many of the Gaels would still be wearing trews.  No one makes such figures. If I seriously engage with Monmouth's men there will be civilian coats galore.

There is also the period possibility of swapping out central stands to create entirely different units.  Thus Irishmen in French coats could become French men under French Colours or whoever.  A good option to have I think.

I'm currently wresting with the idea of providing horse holders and horses for all my dismounted Dragoons.  I have the horse holders but would need a fair few more horses to one for one it.  I think I'll do it.

Once again the toys are mainly Essex and Irregular with a smattering of Dixon.

There are a three or four more Irish battalions to come.  It's either the Scots or the Dutch next depending on which box I locate first.


  1. Superb work on these. They look excellent. I love the pike arrangements. Good point on the JR flag - very useful across the Jacobite units.

  2. Thanks very much Duc. The pike nearly leveled figure is one of my favourites. I think the it makes a great second ranker.

    Yes, David's flag nicely filled a gap.

  3. Great work yet again and the bigger bases have grown on me.

  4. Thanks Steve, they give you more figures to a base. I think that suits the period better than my old scheme.

  5. Splendid units - and I'm glad that flag proved useful! :-)


