
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Head Quarters detachment 2-Yellow Ribbon


Above Head Quarters Detachment on the move.

Before we do anything else let’s take another look at tribal hair styles.  Today it is the Shoshone. Distinctive enough for recognition I'd say. Not easily confused with the Crow, Rees or Sioux we have seen so far. 


The Shoshone scouted for Crook and fought alongside the Crow at the Rosebud.  As you can see they wore their hair loose with the top hair combed (or greased) high.  I intend adding a small band of Shoshone to Crook’s Command.  Six or eight figures including a lad in feather War Bonnet as their Leader.

The General and pals have ridden ahead with the Indian Scouts, Crow in this case. Below, at the head of HQ Detachment.

Now, more US cavalry.  All from QRF mounted. Somewhat under strength at 12 rather than 16 figures. Here we have B Company 2nd US Cavalry.  They are attached to Head Quarters tasked with ensuring the protection of supplies and provisions and anything else the General might command. 


Horses and horse holders.

Deployed for skirmishing.


Here another skirmish line on foot, Peter Pig tepees in the background.. 

These are a mixture of Minifigs, Peter Pig and QRF.  Proof positive that they mix well.  Good news for those of us gaming the period.  I nearly wrote heading West but that has other connotations.

Here is my Gatling.  I doubt I will use it very often.  Now and then though, certainly.


It is from QRF and is a nice piece at a good price. Again, with a Minifigs Crew.

The Ambulance.  Another from QRF and I’m happy with it.  It will have an important role in some games.  Above, you see it with the Medical Staff.  Military Doctors and their assistants tended to be very good.  There was a lot of learning in the ACW. Civilian hires might be good, or not. I have yet to add the driver to the ambulance.

More mules and Packers.  Note the boy with the (L) on his base.  Yellow Ribbon requires the Packers to have a Leader.  This is he.

This is the complete Mule Train. Ten mules in all.

With that Head Quarters Detachment is done.  Next, The Kit Foxes Warrior Society.


  1. Excellent work across all those 'units' OB:)!

    1. Thanks Steve. The Indian Village is now done too and I'm nearly there with the last bunch of warriors.

  2. They all look amazing. Really gives a feel for the time.

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Ray. I think I have my hand in with this one.

    2. Appreciated Ray. You're no mean hand with the paints yourself.

  4. More lovely Western goodness there, OB.
