
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Lurkio Highlanders 15mm-A Review


I have Highlanders galore.  Khurasan, Minifigs, Essex and God knows what else. Lurkio offered something slightly different.  Their Highlanders will pretty much suit the Williamite Wars. No apostles or Matchlocks. The Highlanders who had guns favoured Firelocks. The figures above are marketed as Lochiel's Skirmishers. 

My March on Alnwick Campaign requires Highlanders for both sides.  You may know that in 1688 many of the Lords of Clan Campbell withheld support from Argyle’s Rebellion.  All the same Argyle had some Campbell support. I thought I’d do a representative unit.  That has yet to be done. I intend using Lurkio figures for the unit.

This is a rare Highland unit, everyone has a firearm. Barry Hilton believes there was one such at Killiecrankie. Further, it adopted standard tactics. Accordingly the figures you see are 6 to a base rather than 5.  

The flag is by David at Not by Appointment. It is that of Gordon of Glenbuchet. David has some fine Clan flags.  Check the link in the side bar.

As you can see there is a lot of figure variety. Some might quibble about the armour on some figures.  In fact it is well attested.

Currently I'm working my way through the poems and songs of Ian Lom McDonald. There is a mine of information on Highland armament therein.  I will be reporting back in due course.  Ian Lom was an eye witness to many a fight and battle. 

How do they scale with other manufacturers?  Good with Essex, Matchlock and Irregular offerings for the period.

I was sufficiently impressed to order a whole clan unit from Lurkio. I'll show them here soon.



  1. First time I have seen them and they look grand, nice figures and some good poses.

    1. Yeah, loads of different poses. They have a lot going for them.

  2. You've done a great job on those, with the tartan working a treat!

    1. Thanks Steve. I kept it pretty simple and the ink wash does a lot of work lying in the folds of the sculpting.

  3. Splendid work. Tartan as well... I'm impressed.

  4. Thanks Richard. I used some of the brighter WW2 colours as the base colours on the tartan, some horse tones too. Then put the stripes on, with a brighter dot at the junctions.

  5. I've often wondered about the Lurkio figures. Gotta say they look pretty good!

  6. They paint up better than they initially look Ray. Lots of interesting detail. The sculptor is the same guy who did Gladiator's Sikh Wars range . He also did some nice Late Roman British. I have some that I've yet to paint.

    I have lots of his stuff including Mapuche!

    He did the Lurkio LOA range too. Total train wreck I'm sad to say.
