
Monday, July 1, 2024

Land of the Free


Over the years I have accrued a fair few figures for the American War of Independence/ Revolutionary War. The figures tell their own story.  The earliest ones are from Frei Korps, then come the Essex, Peter Pig and happily Polly Oliver.  The basing likewise tells a tale. WRG Horse and Musket 15x40mm, round for Rebels and Patriots.  It is a visual reminder of an on, off interest.  Never brought to fruition.

I wondered if I should give them away or put them in order and sell them.  I also have a copy of Land of the Free, Osprey’s AWI rules.  It is a nice hard back and, like the figures, neglected by me.  

I gave Land of the Free a google that took me to Palouse, Jonathan’s blog.  See the side bar for the link.  He has a full Land of the Free 15mm game there.  I read it through, I read Land of the Free. I read it again. I decided to keep the collection, put it in good order and do some Land of the Free games.

This is the result so far.

Above Essex Hessian Grenadiers.


Accompanied by Essex Hessian Jagers seen here, note the QRF officer.

I will end up with a Hessian Command Group of 3 battalions Grenadiers, Muskets, fusiliers and the Jagers.  All from Essex save some Frei Korps standard bearers..

I have started to tackle the British. Mine are a mixture of Essex, Frei Korps , Minifig, Peter Pig and Polly Oliver.  I have read that British flags were 6ftx6ft in the AWI. 

Some one should have told the Manufacturers.  Mostly those provided could not accommodate flags that size.  The lads with the mini staffs are going to be relegated to spontoon services.  Unless I can manage to successfully do some hand drilling. Always tricky with the smaller fellows.

I know many British formations didn't carry their colours.  Mine, though, mostly will.

I think I will end up with 5 battalions of line infantry, 1 of combined Lights and ditto Grenadiers. To this I will add a small unit of Light dragoons and British Legion cavalry of the same size.  One battery of 2x Guns will provide the artillery.

The Light Dragoons are done.  These from Essex.  Combined Light Infantry below.  Essex and Polly Oliver.

Much more to do. Not least I need some British Grenadiers.  I'm havering between Peter Pig or Minifigs.  I would have liked Polly Oliver but they have disappeared again.

Then it is on to the Revolutionaries. Of these I have many more figures.

I have noticed that whenever I decide to get rid of a collection I realise why I wanted it in the first place. Then I buy the missing bits.  It really doesn't help with cutting down the number of my collections.  A price we must all pay for a rewarding hobby.


  1. Happy to see that Google brought up my thoughts and BatRep of LotF. If you are considering giving the rules a try, I created a QRS that I could pass along.

  2. Lovely figures there OB and nice to see you keeping them. I have two large AWI armies that have now morphed into general 18thC ImagiNations ones, for a whole variety of reasons.

    1. Thanks Steve. Yes, I'm glad I'm keeping them. I'm currently re reading with Bayonets and Zeal by way of orientation.

  3. Good that you are keeping and going to add to your collection, I like the AWI, a very interesting conflict with tonnes of potential.

  4. I am obviously biased, as I am in middle of painting around 12 btns of AWI "patriots", but I am pleased Jon's blog inspired you to keep these and get the period onto your table!
    I have never heard of Polly she related to Jamie?! 😀

    1. I'm following your progress too. Polly Oliver was a lass who became a soldier apparently. Used as a brand name for a great range of AWI 15mm figures. Decades old but very nice figures.

  5. Looking fab as always OB. I'll have a chat with Alan. Him and his Dad bought the rights on the Polly Oliver a while ago. I'll see what inside info I can find???

  6. Thanks Ray. That is good news. Please keep me posted.
