
Monday, May 24, 2021

Spanish Civil War in 15mm


This project has been gestating for a long time.  I did a bit of reading and then sort of lost interest in gaming the period.  Part of that was that over the years I’ve met a number of the combatants.  From both sides. International Brigade and one Italian Fascist.  That sort of made it too personal for me.

Recently my interest revived due to some epic gaming posts on LAF and Wargames Website. I thought I’d take the plunge. I’m still not sure what rules I will use, probably some for smallish actions.  Hence the round basing you see here.  It looks nice too, I think.

 Without further ado.  Here are the figures so far starting with Spanish Regulars. These can be used for both sides with the simple substitution of a Peter Pig standard bearer. The infantry maybe from The Late Queen now out of production. The rest are from Peter Pig. 

For Franco’s fellows here we have La Legion.

Some Falangists next.

For the Republic some Anarchist Militia.

Followed by some International Brigade.


Next some Assaltos. 


I’m finding the armour particularly challenging to paint mainly because I’m not used to it.  Tanks, armoured cars and a lorry or two will appear in due course.

More soon.





  1. Excellent work! I really like your mix of figures and the basing.

  2. Thanks Jim.

    I had half an eye on urban fighting when I did the bases, I wanted them to look suitable for fighting amongst the rubble and scrambling up the hills.

  3. Excellent work indeed! The SCW has some great armoured vehicles and paint schemes, so plenty of options to choose from, as and when you get around to painting them.

  4. Thanks Steve. I've been checking out paint schemes.

  5. Thanks Neil. I intend to have three groups of 6 figures for each, 8 for the Workers Militia.

  6. What a great blog, can’t believe I haven’t come across it sooner. Those SCW figures look like Peter Pig’s original range to me, but I’m not familiar with The Late Queen figures. I’m starting a similar project and will either use ‘Red Actions’ or ‘Fistful of Lead, Bigger Battles.’ Both great rules. Look forward to seeing more in due course.

  7. Much appreciated Kpl Steiner. You might well be right about the figures. They are very similar to Peter Pig and The Late Queen was a guess on my part.

    Red Actions has always sounded interesting to me.
