
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Montrose and the Covenanters (5) A Field of Battle 3 Project

Here you see Montrose and Alasdair in front of another regiment of Irish regulars all from Khurasan.   

Most pleasingly, as you see, Alasdair towers above his fellows.

The project is coming along nicely with both sides three quarters done. The Highlanders below are awaiting their command stands.  I've an outstanding order with Caliver for pipers needed to complete their otherwise finished command stands. 

Here is the penultimate unit of Covenanter infantry with pike forward.

This is my first unit of Scots Dragoons.  I'll do two of them and they are suitable for either side.

These ones are from QRF and I like them enough for a second pic.

Another two regiments of Irish regulars below from Khurasan.  

Two to go and I'll have six.  

 One more here with a mix of manufacturers and conversions.

I took a chance on using these very old Naismith Lancers.  On reflection I'm glad I did, they have a certain character. They work well enough with the rest.  They will be in their own unit all the same.

Baring waiting for a few additional figures it's all been smooth sailing for the project so far.


  1. Excellent work.
    The method used for pike or shot 'forward' in the rules is (as usual) inspired. So simple, but so effective, and, dare I say, period inspired.
    I see myself using the rules unchanged for the 1670s, and quite possibly the 1689-91 period in Ireland - certainly I think it fits the Enniskillen campaign, and works with full shot units at the Boyne (for instance) vs more pike heavy Jacobite units.

    1. Thanks.

      I think that's right too. The shot units will have to rely on their firepower to break charges. Can't complain about that-historical accuracy and all.

  2. More great looking Scots/Irish! I really like the dragoons and lancers!
    Best Iain

  3. Cheers Iain. I'm really pleased with the Naismith lancers they date from the 1980s.

  4. Very nice, all. Tim C is working on an ECW in Scotland project using FoB3; indeed, that was the subject of his planned games for Historicon 2020. I like For King and Parliament a lot for the ECW, but will have to get around to trying the ECW section of FoB3 myself.

  5. Thanks Gonsalvo,

    I'll be interested to hear how Tim gets on. I've not tried For King and Parliament.

    Today my pipers arrived and the last figures needed for the Irish Brigade. I should have another update on this project soon.
