
Friday, August 16, 2024

Bringing up the Guns- Anglo-Sikh Wars


Yes, it is Elephant Time.  As you know elephants were used to pull field artillery in the Anglo-Sikh Wars. In 1857 too. I have 6 in all.

These are from Dixon’s Indian Mutiny range. Very nice indeed. Gun from Fighting 15s, gunners from QRF.

Nothing says India like an elephant.  

I have been careful to keep my elephants neutral, both sides can use them.  

Before buying the Dixon Nellies I bought some from Fighting 15s.  These are smaller creatures but attractively done. Their main demerit is that no limbers are supplied. Luckily for me Irregular Miniatures helped out with three Elephant Limbers. As you might expect Irregular sell elephants with limbers but that was not where I found myself.

You see the resulting combination here.  Passable I think.


This last is actually a Rajah’s Elephant. I had intended it for Duleep Singh. Alas, I find that Prince’s life is too tragic to contemplate-even in 15mm. His elephant now pulls a gun. 

Should you want an infant Maharajah on an elephant try QRF.  They have a splendid one.

I have a couple of bullock pulled limbers too. Here is one.  All very much end of project stuff you might think.  You would be right.


  1. Lovely job on them, some super elephants and the oxen as well, the limbers add to the whole thing on the table, very nice indeed!

    1. Thanks Donnie. I was a late convert to limbers. Nowadays I always do some.

  2. Absolutely splendid. What great additions they are to the collection

    1. Thanks Richard, I feel they complete the collection.

  3. Excellent work OB and I have both elephants and bullocks for a range of forces, from the 18thC through to Burma 1943-44.

  4. Cheers Steve. I am heartened to hear you have some too. Not many people do.

  5. The 🐘 look great OB. I generally don't do limber, as I mainly collect/game in 28mm and they are prohibitively expensive in that scale, for what really amounts to scenic items....they always look good but cost about the same as a dozen infantry!

  6. Vignettes and additions like these always make the table look so good! very nice

  7. Oh wow, the Nellie's look brilliant!
