
Friday, August 2, 2024

League of Augsburg - A Book and 3 Armies


My latest acquisition above.  Barry Hilton and Clarence Harrison’s  "For Ireland and King James-The Jacobite Infantry at the Battle of Aughrim".

This is a full colour hard back.  It details the regiments of the Jacobite Army that Barry has sufficient detail on and is certain fought at Aughrim.  For each one Clarence provides uniform and flag plates.  All very nicely done. I might have gone for a few figures in trews. Mike McNally did so.   No matter really ,as no one makes them. 

It is a self proclaimed book for wargamers by wargamers. All the same it is more than that.  Barry modestly says he is not an historian. Not by trade perhaps. Yet the description independent scholar would do him no injustice. He knows his subject very well.  I'm pleased with this book.

Apparently the boys are considering a Williamite Aughrim volume. I'll be on the list for that one too.

While waiting for the book I ordered more toys. All from Irregular. I thought I'd add a few new Jacobite regiments. The idea being that I'd use the book as a painting guide. Then inspiration struck, and instead of ordering 1 new Army Pack I ordered 3.  This qualified me for an additional discount!

Anyhow, I thought you would like to see what I got respectively for the English, French and Dutch Army packs. 

Before we do that here is an English regiment comprised of Irregular Miniatures figures-save the drummer. He is Essex.

Pretty nice I think. I have moved the pike men to the side so you can get a better look at them. If you want League of Augsburg 15mm, Irregular are a good choice. Buy an Army Pack and they are a good and very affordable choice.  

I like 6 figures to a base and any League of Augsburg Army Pack will give me at least 3 units like the one above, plus a squadron or two of cavalry, a gun and a General. A supported Brigade I suppose.  Enough for a side using Beneath the Lily Banners certainly.

Here is a French cavalry squadron from Irregular.

A gun and crew below.  Four gunners are provided you see 3 of them here.

Let's start with the English.

I can get 3 regiments of infantry, 2 squadron's of cavalry, a brigadier and a gun and crew from this pack. With a few left over too. One cavalry squadron is in Lobster helmets.

Variants abound in both Horse and Foot. I should add wire pikes are supplied for the pike men.

Now onto the Dutch.

Pretty much the same possibilities in this pack.  Note though, Eppinger's Dragoons and a squadron of cavalry.  Of course Eppinger's would do for mounted Grenadiers in other armies too.

Last but certainly not least in this period the French. 

Once again we get 1 dragoon squadron and 1 of cavalry instead of 2 cavalry squadrons. I have also grouped the musket and pike variants together.  The command figures are also separated out. As we might expect it provides for 3 regiments of infantry at 6 per base.

A closer look.  As you can see I have not cleaned up any of the figures. It is actually very easy to do. That said I wanted you to see what to expect.

There are other figures in Irregular's League of Augsburg range not shown here.  I like them although I prefer Essex or Dixon drummers for my units.

Of course the figures we see here could be used for pretty much any army of the period. At £32.50 a pack including postage Irregular's offer is a bargain.

If you were considering the League of Augsburg in 15mm I hope this post has been of use to you.  

For me I have the pleasant task of choosing which 7 battalions of foot to do next. Imperials are a strong possibility. Followed by which 4 squadrons of cavalry to do.  One of the 2 squadrons of Dragoons will be English I think. 


  1. Barry certainly loves the period and knows his stuff, making it very accessible for us wargamers. 10mm is my choice for this period, but I'm leaning towards Monmouth's Rebellion as a lot of the action happened locally to me. Fine work on those figures and the sculpts do look nice:).

    1. Thanks Steve. I'm guessing it will be Pendraken for you. Lovely sculpts.

    2. Definitely and the sculpts are superb, which makes painting them somewhat daunting!

    3. My guess would be white undercoat, bright shades of colours, nut brown ink wash and highlight. Not that I've done it.

  2. Agree on the book, well worth buying and hopefully the Williamite one will be published. Must admit those Irregular sculpts look very nice indeed and your painted units are lovely.

    1. Much appreciated Donny. I have 100s of them. I find them very easy to paint.

  3. Great stuff OB - that is an impressive collection of metal on display. I have been tempted by the late 17th century for years - ever since Front Rank did a range of figures for the period - has not happened yet, but never, say never, eh?!

    1. Thanks Keith. This lot will keep me busy. Right enough-never say never.

  4. A great review OB! It's a fab book for sure! That is a great offer from Irregular? I had no plan to expand my collection at the moment, but I did want a few more Dutch units and also could do with more Spanish. Hmmm? It's very tempting??? Perhaps some of those Jacobite units for Aughrim.......

  5. Thanks Ray. Yeah, a grand book. Much better to see a hard back than PDF's I think. I've been looking at your Spanish and thinking maybe, could do.
    Should you go ahead Irregular will fit fine with your huge LOA Essex Collection. That btw, was the inspiration for my own LOA collection.

  6. Great sounding book and impressive collection of armies, lovely painting too!
    Best Iain
