
Friday, October 25, 2024

Lord Slane's Regiment-League of Augsburg


Christopher Fleming, Lord Slane's Regiment. As Jacobite Regiments went Slane's was very well equipped indeed.  All Musket, probably Matchlocks but all the same a signal achievement by the standards of the Irish Jacobite Army.  Accordingly I have given them the prized redcoats that were in short supply. I reason that if Slane could get that many muskets securing the red coats would have been no challenge at all.

The fine flags you see are from David at Not By Appointment.  Red and Yellow were Fleming colours and the St Patrick's Cross is a good choice for an Old English Magnate. The chevron is an established Fleming heraldic device.

I have actually done this regiment before but it got dispersed in an LoA great rebasing project. It is good to have it back. Here is the link to the original and the research that inspired it

First time around I could only trace the Regiment's activities to supporting Sarsfield in the North -West.  Luckily Barry Hilton dug deeper and was able to place them at the Battle of Aughrim.

Most of my League of Augsburg Armies are complete or near enough so. I intend to do one more Irish Jacobite Regiment and one more English one. Not sure which ones yet. That's part of the fun I think.

I have a new English Cavalry unit already finished, ditto the Danish Grenadier Regiment.

My next LoA post will feature the Danes supposing I manage to complete two cavalry squadrons.


  1. A lovely unit as always and a nice bit of background fluff too:).

  2. Looking Great OB! Excellent flags too!

  3. Lovely work OB, cracking uniform they look great and stunning flags, all round quite superb.
