
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Austrians and Prussians Seven Years War 18mm

About 7 years ago I bought the (then) new Blue Moon SYW Austrians and Prussians.  Unfortunately, I didn’t realise I needed spec’s.

Then I began painting.  The toys had cunningly concealed micro strands of metal about them.  Micro strands that miraculously only appeared after painting.  They could only be removed with the paint around them and more.  It was dispiriting and I gave up.  The whole lot went back into two boxes with bad grace.

Recently, I started reading Jonathan’s SYW posts at his blog Parlouse and inspiration struck again. Here's a link

I opened my two boxes and did some painting.  The swarf (technical term) is still tricky but it appears in the same places-mostly. The spec's help.   Thus, it can be removed post undercoat at the latest.  I wonder if this was just an early days problem?  I have a fair few other Blue Moon ranges and haven't found the same issue.

You can see the results of my endeavors here.  Above combined Hungarian grenadiers with Eureka command figures. Below you will note the excellent Prussian flags from David at Not by Appointment.  See side bar for a link.

IR3 Anhalt-Dessau below.  As you can see I've packed these fellows in 6 to a 30x30 base.  An expensive choice. Then again most of the figures were bought at cheaper prices than today.  It is the look I wanted and I'm pleased with it.  


I think I'm going to end up with three infantry brigades, ditto cavalry and some artillery and light troops.  I won't be fielding all the cavalry at once in most games.  I may give my Prussian Hussars flags even though I know they didn't carry them.  The reason being David has given us some nice ones and I have the figures.

IR2 Von Kanitz below. 


Next up will be IR7 Braunschweig-Bevern and IR5 Von Braunschweig  both are nearly done.

Although these fellows will see action with Field of Battle I'm mad keen to try out Honours of War. We will see more of this project as the units slowly accrue.  Surprisingly, I find them more demanding to paint than Napoleonics.  Even so, I have another batch of units on the verge of completion and we will see them next time.

I was pleased to find that Lancashire Games SYW infantry are compatible with Old Glory and Blue Moon. In 15/18mm you just never know until you try them out.





  1. Nice job, the honours of war has an intro scenario that makes a good target for painting a ‘basic’ army. I am doing similar with Keith’s intro scenario in his Shadow of the Eagles rule set.

  2. Thanks Norm. Yeah, lots of good stuff in HoW. I intend working my way through the scenarios.

    My next task is to work out just what I have got by way of figures.

  3. Thanks Neil. I should have said in the post that the firing regiment are from Old Glory.

  4. Oooh - excellent! Good to see that the SYW has got its claws into you! ;-) And also good, of course, to see my flags in action with them. If you want a hi-res finished version of the hussar guidons, just let me know. I haven't posted them on the blog yet as I need to do the write ups and uniform plates, which is a pretty big job.

    Look forward to seeing this project develop. :-)



  5. Excellent to see a return to SYW for you. I like your battalion-size choice. My battalions are 23 figures so very similar to yours with a 120mm frontage. I like the Blue Moon figures but they do tend to have a lot of vent slag. Not dissimilar to Perry miniatures.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it took some time. Yes, its very much an Age of Reason look, lots of little cogs in the deadly machine.

  6. Splendid work on the figures. Your Prussians look lovely and formidable.

    1. Thanks Richard. It is still taking me ages to paint a battalion. I'm hoping I'll speed up with practice.

  7. Lovely regiments!
    Exposure to too much 7 YW stuff isn't good for me. With 50+ years in Napoleonics, I do NOT need to start another immense period! :-)

  8. Thanks Gonsalvo. I hear you. It's a slippery slope, I've started thinking about a French Army.
